
Install Hermes with Docker

  1. Install the Docker Engine.

  2. Run the Docker container for Hermes database (MySQL).

    docker run --name hermes_db -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=corvus -d cecid/hermes_db:2.1
  3. Run the Docker container for Hermes application server (Tomcat).

    docker run --name hermes_app --link hermes_db:db -p 8080:8080 -d cecid/hermes_app:2.1
  4. Log in to the Hermes administration console at http://localhost:8080/corvus/admin/home (username:corvus, password:corvus) to check if Hermes is up and running.


  1. When it is the first time to run a container, the Docker image will be downloaded from the Docker Hub. The Docker images are large. The sizes of cecid/hermes_db and cecid/hermes_app are about 400MB and 1.4GB.
  2. You may need the administrator or root privilage to execute docker run.

Loopback Messaging with Sample Clients


Linux / Unix:

  1. Install Java 8 or above, or OpenJDK 8 or above.

  2. Please check Java 8 has been set up properly.

    java -version

    If the above command fails to run, please try to set environment variable JAVA_HOME to the directory where Java is installed. On Ubuntu, you may use the following command to locate the Java home directory, e.g., /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64.

    update-java-alternatives -l
  3. Download and extract the Hermes sample clients to a working directory <WorkDir>

    cd <WorkDir>
    curl -O http://hermes.cecid.org/en/latest/_downloads/Hermes_client_sample.zip
    unzip Hermes_client_sample.zip
    sudo chmod -R 755 sample
  4. Change the current directory to <WorkDir>/sample.


  1. Install Java 8 or above.

  2. Please check Java 8 has been set up properly.

    java -version
If the above command fails to run, please try to set environment variable JAVA_HOME to the directory where Java is installed.
  1. Download and extract the Hermes simple clients to a working directory <WorkDir>/sample.
  2. Change the current directory to <WorkDir>/sample.

Create Loopback Partnership

Linux / Unix:




You will see the following message.

      EBMS Partnership Maintainance Tool
Initialize logger ..
Importing EBMS partnership parameters ...
Importing EBMS administrative sending parameters ...
Initialize EBMS HTTP data service client...
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger    (org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
Sending    EBMS HTTP partnership maintenance request ...

                    Sending Done:
The result status : Operation executed successfully.
Please view log for details ..

Send Loopback Message

Linux / Unix:




This program sends a request attached with the payload named testpayload under the directory <WorkDir>/sample/config/ebms-send to local Hermes server. You will see the following message.

          EbMS sender web service client
Initialize Logger ...
Importing  ebMS sending parameters ... ./config/ebms-send/ebms-request.xml
Importing  ebMS partnership parameters ... ./config/ebms-partnership.xml
Initialize ebMS web service client...
Adding     payload in the ebMS message...
Sending    ebMS sending request ...

                    Sending Done:
New message id: 20170204-090520-45900@

Query Message History

Linux / Unix:




This program lists all sent and received messages. You will see the following message.

         EbMS Message History Queryer
Initialize Logger ...
Importing  ebMS config parameters ... ./config/ebms-history/ebms-request.xml
Initialize ebMS messsage history queryer ...
Sending ebMS message history query request ...

                    Sending Done:
         EbMS Message Query Result
0    | Message id : 20170204-090520-45900@ | MessageBox: outbox
1    | Message id : 20170204-090520-45900@ | MessageBox: inbox

Select message (0 - 1), -1 to exit: 0

Enter 0 to check the sent message and the following message will be displayed:

Sending    EBMS-status sending request ...

                 Sending Done:
Query Message ID          : 20170204-090520-45900@
Query Message Status      : DL
Query Message Status Desc : Message was sent.
ACK   Message ID          : null
ACK   Message Status      : null
ACK   Message Status Desc : null


Please view log for details ..

Download Payload of Received Message

Linux / Unix:




You will see the following message.

         EbMS Message History Queryer
Initialize Logger ...
Importing  ebMS config parameters ... ./config/ebms-history/ebms-request.xml
Initialize ebMS messsage history queryer ...
Sending ebMS message history query request ...

                    Sending Done:
         EbMS Message Query Result
0    | Message id : 20170204-090520-45900@ | MessageBox: outbox
1    | Message id : 20170204-090520-45900@ | MessageBox: inbox

Select message (0 - 1), -1 to exit: 1
Currrent Dir: /home/cecid/WorkDir/sample
Please provide the folder to store the payload(s):
Initialize ebMS receiving web service client...
Sending    ebMS receiving request ... for 20170204-090520-45900@

Please view log for details ..
  1. Enter 1 to select the received message and you will be asked to the folder to store the payloads.
  2. Press enter to save the payload in the current folder. A file named ebms.<timestamp>@ will be downloaded, where <timestamp> indicates the time ebms-send was executed.
  3. Open the payload file and you will see the following content:
This is an sample message.

            ;+''++             `           `           `
           #++''+;`        `++++` ``,:;::   `,::::  ++  ;+'++;
         ;++''+++         '++++#` `;:;;;;  `;;;;;;  ++  ;'+++++:
        +'''''++:``;;;:   +#`     ,;;     `::,      ++  ;+   `+#
       +''''''''  ;:;;;: ;+:      ;;``     ;;`      ++  ;+`   ++`
      ,+'+''''++ .:;:;;; ;+.     `;;,.,,, `;;`      ++  ;+    ;'.
      `++'''+'++ `;;;;;; ''`      :;.```` `:;       ++  ;+`   :'.
       ;'''+'''+` ;::;;. :':`     ;; `     ;;       ++  ;+    +'`
        :+'+'+''+  .,,` ` ++`     ::,````  ::,````  ++  ;+   .+#
      `   #'+'''+`        ''++++` `;;;:;;  `;;:;;;  ++  ;'+++++,`
           ,++'''#         .;;''`   .:::,`  `,:::,  ''  :'''';
             +'+''; `                          `

This is an sample message.