Developing Hermes Applications


This application development guide provides guidelines for developing Hermes messaging applications, which exchange messages reliably and securely with Hermes. A Hermes server provides web services for an application to communicate with another Hermes server. These web services allow the application to:

  • Request Hermes to send a payload to another Hermes or a compatible messaging gateway on the receiver party;
  • Retrieve the message identifier of a received message which has not retrieved yet;
  • Retrieve the payloads of a message which is identified by its message identifier; and
  • Obtain the message status of an outgoing or incoming message.

For information about installing Hermes and communicating with Hermes using an external application, please refer to Installing Hermes and Using Hermes API.

Application Integration with Hermes


The above figure shows a typical architecture for integrating client applications with Hermes servers. Two parties exchange business messages with Hermes through ebMS 2.0 or AS2 over a transport protocol, such as HTTP, HTTPS or SMTP.

On the sender side, a backend system produces business data to be transferred to the receiver party. The sender application extracts the data from the backend system and submit them to Hermes through a web service. The sender’s Hermes sends the data as payloads in a business message. Then, the application invokes a web service to check whether the message is delivered successfully.

On the receiver side, Hermes receives the message. The receiver application retrieves the message from Hermes, extracts the payloads from the message, and stores them into the receiver backend system.

The application interacts with Hermes using web services, i.e., SOAP or REST APIs. The benefits of using web services are as follows.

  • Implementation-independent. Since the application interacts with Hermes using web services, the application can be implemented in any programming languages, as long as web services are supported.
  • Firewall-friendly. The web services use HTTP as the transport protocol. The application calls Hermes via web services over HTTP; in this way, persistent and stateful connectivity between Hermes and the application is not required. Even when there is a firewall between Hermes and the application, they can communicate with each other as long as HTTP port between them are not blocked.


The source code shown below comes from the Hermes loopback test. The sample code assumes Hermes is using localhost with port 8080 (i.e., the default port of Tomcat).

The sample code requires the following libraries:

  • activation.jar
  • mail.jar

Import Java Packages in Web Service Client

To call the Hermes SOAP web service, please import the following Java packages :

import javax.activation.DataHandler;
import javax.activation.FileDataSource;
import javax.xml.soap.AttachmentPart;
import javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory;
import javax.xml.soap.Name;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPBody;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPConnection;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPConnectionFactory;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPException;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPFactory;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage;

Writing ebMS Messaging Client

Send ebMS Message

Create a SOAP message with the following 10 paremeters, and send it to Hermes as a web service request.

  • cpaId: Copllaboration Protocol Agreement ID
  • service: Service
  • action: Action
  • convId: Conversation ID
  • fromPartyId: Sender party ID
  • fromPartyType: Sender party type
  • toPartyId: Receiver party ID
  • toPartyType: Receiver party type
  • refToMessageId: Refer-to message Id
  • serviceType: Service type
  1. Define a namespace URI and prefix conforming to the WSDL, and define the endpoint URL of the ebMS sender web service.

    private String nsURI = "";
    private String nsPrefix = "tns";
    private URL senderWSURL = "http://localhost:8080/corvus/httpd/ebms/sender";
  2. Create a SOAP message factory and a SOAP message object.

    SOAPMessage request = MessageFactory.newInstance().createMessage();
  3. Populate the SOAP body by filling in the required parameters such as:

    <cpaId> ebmscpaid </cpaId>
    <service> http://localhost:8080/corvus/httpd/ebms/inbound <service>
    <action> action </action>
    <convId> convId </convId>
    <fromPartyId> fromPartyId </fromPartyId>
    <fromPartyType> fromPartyType </fromPartyType>
    <toPartyId> toPartyId </toPartyId>
    <toPartyType> toPartyType </toPartyType>
    <refToMessageId> </refToMessageId>
    <serviceType> </serviceType>

    To send an ebMS message, compose a sample SOAP request as below:

    SOAPBody soapBody = request.getSOAPBody();
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("cpaId", nsPrefix, nsURI, cpaId));
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("service", nsPrefix, nsURI, service));
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("action", nsPrefix, nsURI, action));
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("convId", nsPrefix, nsURI, conversationId));
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("fromPartyId", nsPrefix, nsURI, fromPartyId));
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("fromPartyType", nsPrefix, nsURI, fromPartyType));
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("toPartyId", nsPrefix, nsURI, toPartyId));
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("toPartyType", nsPrefix, nsURI, toPartyType));
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("refToMessageId", nsPrefix, nsURI, refToMessageId));
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("serviceType", nsPrefix, nsURI, serviceType));

    The method createElement creates a SOAP element with the namespace prefix nsPrefix`, the namespace URL nsURI, and the string value of the element.

    The implementation of createElement is shown below:

    SOAPElement soapElement = SOAPFactory.newInstance().createElement(localName, nsPrefix, nsURI);
    return soapElement;
  4. Attach a payload to the SOAP message if necessary. Below example uses a purchase order XML as the payload, so the associated content type is application/xml.

    AttachmentPart attachmentPart = request.createAttachmentPart();
    FileDataSource fileDS = new FileDataSource(new File("purchase_order.xml"));
    attachmentPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(fileDS));
  5. Save the changes to the SOAP message.

  6. Send the SOAP request to Hermes and get the following SOAP response.

    SOAPMessage response =, senderWSURL);
    SOAPBody responseBody = response.getSOAPBody();
  7. Process the SOAP response, extract the identifier of the requested ebMS message, and print it to System.out if there is no SOAP fault.

    if (!responseBody.hasFault()){
        SOAPElement messageIdElement = getFirstChild(responseBody, "message_id", nsURI);
        System.out.println(messageIdElement == null ? null : messageIdElement.getValue());
    } else {
        throw new SOAPException(responseBody.getFault().getFaultString());

    The method getFirstChild gets the first element with the name message_id and the namespace URI nsURI. An existing message_id is a registered identifier, showing the message has been successfully submitted to Hermes.

    Hermes translates the SOAP request into an ebMS message and saves the ebMS message in its persistent storage. Then, the sender Hermes delivers the ebMS message to the receiver Hermes specified in the SOAP request parameters, of which cpaId, service and action identify the partnership between the sender and receiver.

List ebMS Messages

Create a SOAP message with the following 9 parameters, and send it to Hermes as a web service request.

  • cpaId: Copllaboration Protocol Agreement ID
  • service: Service
  • action: Action
  • convId: Conversation ID
  • fromPartyId: Sender party ID
  • fromPartyType: Sender party type
  • toPartyId: Receiver party ID
  • toPartyType: Receiver party type
  • numOfMessages: Number of messages
  1. Define a namespace URI and prefix conforming to the WSDL.

    private String nsURI = "";
    private String nsPrefix = "tns";
    private String URL receiverListWSURL = "http://localhost:8080/corvus/httpd/ebms/receiver_list";
  2. Create a SOAP message factory and an SOAP message object.

    SOAPMessage request = MessageFactory.newInstance().createMessage();
  3. Populate the SOAP body by filling in the required parameters. For example:

    <cpaId> ebmscpaid </cpaId>
    <service> http://localhost:8080/corvus/httpd/ebms/inbound <service>
    <action> action </action>
    <convId> convId </convId>
    <fromPartyId> fromPartyId </fromPartyId>
    <fromPartyType> fromPartyType </fromPartyType>
    <toPartyId> toPartyId </toPartyId>
    <toPartyType> toPartyType </toPartyType>
    <numOfMessages> 100 </numOfMessages>

    Compose a sample SOAP request to list ebMS messages:

    SOAPBody soapBody = request.getSOAPBody();
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("cpaId", nsPrefix, nsURI, cpaId));
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("service", nsPrefix, nsURI, service));
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("action", nsPrefix, nsURI, action));
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("convId", nsPrefix, nsURI, conversationId));
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("fromPartyId", nsPrefix, nsURI, fromPartyId));
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("fromPartyType", nsPrefix, nsURI, fromPartyType));
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("toPartyId", nsPrefix, nsURI, toPartyId));
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("toPartyType", nsPrefix, nsURI, toPartyType));
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("numOfMessages", nsPrefix, nsURI, numOfMessages));

    The method createElement creates a SOAP element with the namespace nsPrefix, the namespace URL and the string value of the element.

    The implementation of createElement is shown below:

    SOAPElement soapElement = SOAPFactory.newInstance().createElement(localName, nsPrefix, nsURI);
    return soapElement;
  4. Save changes to the SOAP message.

  5. Send the SOAP request to Hermes and get the following SOAP response.

    SOAPMessage response =, receiverListWSURL);
    SOAPBody responseBody = response.getSOAPBody();
  6. Here is the SOAP response:

            <messageId> ... </messageId>
            <messageId> ... </messageId>
            <messageId> ... </messageId>
            <messageId> ... </messageId>

    Process the SOAP response, extract the identifier of each requested message, and print it to System.out if there is no SOAP fault.

    if (!responseBody.hasFault()){
        SOAPElement messageIdsElement = getFirstChild(responseBody, "messageIds", nsURI);
        Iterator messageIdElementIter = getChildren(messageIdsElement, "messageId", nsURI);
        while(messageIdElementIter.hasNext()) {
            SOAPElement messageIdElement = (SOAPElement);
    } else {
        throw new SOAPException(responseBody.getFault().getFaultString());

    The method getFirstChild gets the first element with the name :code`messageIds` and namespace nsURI. It then extracts every messageId which represents an available message awaiting for a further action.

Retrieve ebMS Message

Create a SOAP message with the identifier of the target message, and send it to Hermes as the web service request.

  1. Define a namespace URI and prefix conforming to the WSDL.

    private String nsURI = "";
    private String nsPrefix = "tns";
    private URL receiverWSURL = "http://localhost:8080/corvus/httpd/ebms/receiver";
  2. Create a SOAP message factory and a SOAP message object.

    SOAPMessage request = MessageFactory.newInstance().createMessage();
  3. Populate the SOAP body by filling in the required parameters.

    <messageId> messageId </messageId>

    Compose a sample SOAP request to retrieve an ebMS message:

    SOAPBody soapBody = request.getSOAPBody();
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("messageId", nsPrefix, nsURI, messageId));

    The method createElement creates a SOAP element with the namespace prefix nsPrefix, the namespace URL nsURI, and the string value of the element.

    The implementation of createElement is shown below:

    SOAPElement soapElement = SOAPFactory.newInstance().createElement(localName, nsPrefix, nsURI);
    return soapElement;
  4. Save the changes to the SOAP message.

  5. Send the SOAP request to Hermes and get a SOAP response.

    SOAPMessage response =, receiverWSURL);
    SOAPBody responseBody = response.getSOAPBody();

    Here is the SOAP response:

        <hasMessage> ... </hasMessage>
    The attachment is formatted as a MIME part.

    Process the SOAP response, and extract the payloads from the received ebMS message if available.

    if (!responseBody.hasFault()){
        SOAPElement hasMessageElement = getFirstChild(responseBody, "hasMessage", nsURI);
        ArrayList payloadsList = new ArrayList();
        if (hasMessageElement != null){
            Iterator attachmentPartIter = response.getAttachments();
            while(attachmentPartIter.hasNext()) {
                AttachmentPart attachmentPart = (AttachmentPart);
                InputStream ins = attachmentPart.getDataHandler().getInputStream();
                // Do something I/O to extract the payload to physical file.
    } else {
        throw new SOAPException(responseBody.getFault().getFaultString());

    The method getFirstChild gets the first element with the name hasMessage and the namespace URI nsURI. The boolean value of hasMessage represents the existence of a payload in this message.

    The payload is extracted from the attachment part, and written to the input stream. In this way, the data can be piped to a processor or saved as a file.

Get ebMS Message Status

Create a SOAP message with the identifier of the target message, and send it to Hermes as the web service request.

  1. Define a namespace URI and prefix conforming to the WSDL.

    private String nsURI = "";
    private String nsPrefix = "tns";
    private URL statusQueryWSURL = "http://localhost:8080/corvus/httpd/ebms/status";
  2. Create a SOAP message factory and a SOAP message object.

    SOAPMessage request = MessageFactory.newInstance().createMessage();
  3. Populate the SOAP body by filling in the required parameters.

    <messageId> messageId </messageId>

    Compose a sample SOAP request to get the status of an ebMS message:

    SOAPBody soapBody = request.getSOAPBody();
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("messageId", nsPrefix, nsURI, messageId));

    The method createElement creates a SOAP element with the namespace prefix nsPrefix, the namespace URL nsURI and the string value of the element.

    The implementation of createElement is shown below:

    SOAPElement soapElement = SOAPFactory.newInstance().createElement(localName, nsPrefix, nsURI);
    return soapElement;
  4. Save the changes to the SOAP message.

  5. Send the SOAP request to Hermes and get a SOAP response.

    SOAPMessage response =, statusQueryWSURL);
    SOAPBody responseBody = response.getSOAPBody();
  6. Here is the SOAP response:

            <status> The current status of message </status>
            <statusDescription> The current status description of message </statusDescription>
            <ackMessageId> The message id of acknowledgment / receipt if any </ackMessageId>
            <ackStatus> The status of acknowledgment / receipt if any </ackStatus>
            <ackStatusDescription> The status description of acknowledgment / receipt if any </ackStatusDescription>

    Process the SOAP response and extract the status information from the ebMS message if there is no SOAP fault.

    if (!responseBody.hasFault()){
        SOAPElement messageInfoElement = getFirstChild(responseBody, "messageInfo", nsURI);
        System.out.println("Message Status : " + getFirstChild(messageInfoElement, "status", nsURI);
        System.out.println("Message Status Desc : " + getFirstChild(messageInfoElement, "statusDescription", nsURI);
        System.out.println("Ack Message Identifiers : " + getFirstChild(messageInfoElement, "ackMessageId", nsURI);
        System.out.println("Ack Status : " + getFirstChild(messageInfoElement, "ackStatus", nsURI);
        System.out.println("Ack Status Desc : " + getFirstChild(messageInfoElement, "ackStatusDescription", nsURI);
    } else {
        throw new SOAPException(responseBody.getFault().getFaultString());

    The method getFirstChild gets the first element with the name messageInfo and the namespace URI nsURI. It then retrieves the status value from that element.

Get ebMS Message History

Create a SOAP message with the following 7 parameters, and send it to Hermes as a web service request.

  • messageId: Message ID
  • messageBox: Message Box
  • conversationId: Conversation ID
  • cpaId: Collaboration Protocol Agreement ID
  • status: Status
  • action: Action
  • service: Service
  1. Define a namespace URI and prefix conforming to the WSDL.

    private String nsURI = "";
    private String nsPrefix = "tns";
    private URL msgHistoryWSURL = "http://localhost:8080/corvus/httpd/ebms/msg_history";
  2. Create a SOAP message factory and a SOAP message object.

    SOAPMessage request = MessageFactory.newInstance().createMessage();
  3. Populate the SOAP body by filling in the required parameters.

    <messageId> messageId </messageId>
    <messageBox> messageBox </messageBox>
    <conversationId> conversationId </conversationId>
    <cpaId> cpaId </cpaId>
    <service> service </service>
    <action> action </action>
    <status> status </status>

    Compose a sample SOAP request to get an ebMS message history:

    SOAPBody soapBody = request.getSOAPBody();
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("messageId", nsPrefix, nsURI, messageId));
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("messageBox", nsPrefix, nsURI, messageBox));
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("conversationId", nsPrefix, nsURI, conversationId));
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("cpaId", nsPrefix, nsURI, cpaId));
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("service", nsPrefix, nsURI, service));
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("fromPartyType", nsPrefix, nsURI, fromPartyType));
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("action", nsPrefix, nsURI, action));
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("status", nsPrefix, nsURI, status));

    The method createElement creates a SOAP element with the namespace nsPrefix, the namespace URL nsURI, and the string value of the element.

    The implementation of createElement is shown below:

    SOAPElement soapElement = SOAPFactory.newInstance().createElement(localName, nsPrefix, nsURI);
    return soapElement;
  4. Save the changes to the SOAP message.

  5. Send the SOAP request to Hermes and get the following SOAP response.

    SOAPMessage response =, msgHistoryWSURL);
    SOAPBody responseBody = response.getSOAPBody();
  6. Here is the SOAP response:

                <messageId> Message ID of this message </messageId>
                <messageBox> Message Box containing this message </messageBox>
                <messageId> Message ID of this message </messageId>
                <messageBox> Message Box containing this message </messageBox>
            <messageElement> ... </messageElement>
            <messageElement> ... </messageElement>

    Process the SOAP response and iterate through the message history if there is no SOAP fault.

    if (!responseBody.hasFault()){
        SOAPElement msgList = SOAPUtilities.getElement(responseBody, "messageList", nsURI, 0);
        Iterator msgIterator = msgList.getChildElements();
            List elementList = new ArrayList();
            SOAPElement messageElement = (SOAPElement);
            Iterator elements = messageElement.getChildElements();
            // MessageId
            SOAPElement msgId = (SOAPElement)(;
            // MessageBox
            SOAPElement msgBox = (SOAPElement)(;
            System.out.println("Message ID: " + (String)msgId.get(0) + "\t" + "Message Box: " + msgBox.get(0));

    The method getElement gets the element with the name messageList and namespace URI :code`nsURI`. Then, a list of messageElement objects is extracted from messageList. Each messageElement object contains the values of messageId and messageBox.

Writing AS2 Messaging Client

Send AS2 Message

Create a SOAP message with the following 3 parameters, and send it to Hermes as a web service request.

  • as2_from: AS2 sender
  • as2_to: AS2 receiver
  • type: Payload content type
  1. Define a namespace URI and a prefix conforming to the WSDL.

    private String nsURI = "";
    private String nsPrefix = "tns";
    private URL senderWSURL = "http://localhost:8080/corvus/httpd/as2/sender";
  2. Create a SOAP message factory and a SOAP message object.

    SOAPMessage request = MessageFactory.newInstance().createMessage();
  3. Populate the SOAP body by filling in the required parameters.

    <as2_from> as2from </as2_from>
    <as2_to> as2to <as2_to>
    <type> type </type>

    Compose a sample SOAP request to send an AS2 message:

    SOAPBody soapBody = request.getSOAPBody();
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("as2_from", nsPrefix, nsURI, this.as2From));
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("as2_to" , nsPrefix, nsURI, this.as2To));
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("type" , nsPrefix, nsURI, this.type));

    The method createElement creates a SOAP element with the namespace prefix nsPrefix, the namespace URL nsURI, and the string value of the element.

    The implementation of createElement is shown below:

    SOAPElement soapElement = SOAPFactory.newInstance().createElement(localName, nsPrefix, nsURI);
    return soapElement;
  4. Attach a payload if necessary. The following example uses a purchase order XML as the payload of the AS2 message, so the associated content type is application/xml.


    Only one payload is allowed in the SOAP request for an AS2 message.

    AttachmentPart attachmentPart = request.createAttachmentPart();
    FileDataSource fileDS = new FileDataSource(new File("purchase_order.xml"));
    attachmentPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(fileDS));
  5. Save the changes to the SOAP message.

  6. Send the SOAP request to Hermes and get the following SOAP response.

    SOAPMessage response =, senderWSURL);
    SOAPBody responseBody = response.getSOAPBody();
  7. Process the SOAP response and extract the identifier of the AS2 message, and print it to System.out if there is no SOAP fault.

    if (!responseBody.hasFault()){
        SOAPElement messageIdElement = getFirstChild(responseBody, "message_id", nsURI);
        System.out.println(messageIdElement == null ? null : messageIdElement.getValue());
    } else {
        throw new SOAPException(responseBody.getFault().getFaultString());

    The method getFirstChild gets the first element with the name message_id and the namespace URI nsURI.

    The sender Hermes translates the SOAP request into an AS2 message which is stored in the file system, and then delivers the AS2 message to the receiver Hermes specified in the SOAP request parameters, of which AS2From and AS2To identify the partnership between the sender and the receiver.

List AS2 Messages

Create a SOAP message with the following 3 parameters, and send it to Hermes as a web service request.

  • as2From: AS2 sender
  • as2To: AS2 receiver
  • numOfMessages: Number of messsages
  1. Define a namespace URI and a prefix conforming to the WSDL.

    private String nsURI = "";
    private String nsPrefix = "tns";
    private URL receiverListWSURL = "http://localhost:8080/corvus/httpd/as2/receiver_list";
  2. Create a SOAP message factory and a SOAP message object.

    SOAPMessage request = MessageFactory.newInstance().createMessage();
  3. Populate the SOAP body by filling in the required parameters.

    <as2_from> as2from </as2_from>
    <as2_to> as2to <as2_to>
    <numOfMessages> 100 </numOfMessages>

    Compose a sample SOAP request to list AS2 messages:

    SOAPBody soapBody = request.getSOAPBody();
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("as2From" , nsPrefix, nsURI, this.as2From));
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("as2To" , nsPrefix, nsURI, this.as2To));
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("numOfMessages", nsPrefix, nsURI, this.numOfMessages + ""));

    The method createElement creates a SOAP element with the namespace prefix nsPrefix, the namespace URL nsURI and the string value of the element.

    The implementation of createElement is shown below:

    SOAPElement soapElement = SOAPFactory.newInstance().createElement(localName, nsPrefix, nsURI);
    return soapElement;
  4. Save the changes to the SOAP message.

  5. Send the SOAP request to Hermes and get the following SOAP response.

    SOAPMessage response =, senderWSURL);
    SOAPBody responseBody = response.getSOAPBody();

    Here is the SOAP response:

            <messageId> ... </messageId>
            <messageId> ... </messageId>
            <messageId> ... </messageId>
            <messageId> ... </messageId>

    Process the SOAP response and extract the identifiers of the AS2 messages to System.out if there is no SOAP fault.

    if (!responseBody.hasFault()){
        SOAPElement messageIdsElement = getFirstChild(responseBody, "messageIds", nsURI);
        Iterator messageIdElementIter = getChildren(messageIdsElement, "messageId", nsURI);
        while(messageIdElementIter.hasNext()) {
            SOAPElement messageIdElement = (SOAPElement);
    } else {
        throw new SOAPException(responseBody.getFault().getFaultString());

    The method getFirstChild gets the first element with the name messageIds and the namespace URI nsURI. All children with the name messageId and the namespace URI nsURI are then extracted.

Retrieve AS2 Message

Create a SOAP message with the identifier of the target message, and send it to Hermes as the web service request.

  1. Define a namespace URI and a prefix conforming to the WSDL.

    private String nsURI = "";
    private String nsPrefix = "tns";
    private URL receiverWSURL = "http://localhost:8080/corvus/httpd/as2/receiver";
  2. Create a SOAP message factory and a SOAP message object.

    SOAPMessage request = MessageFactory.newInstance().createMessage();
  3. Populate the SOAP body by filling in the required parameters.

    <messageId> messageId </messageId>

    Compose a sample SOAP request to retrieve an AS2 message:

    SOAPBody soapBody = request.getSOAPBody();
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("messageId", nsPrefix, nsURI, messageId));

    The method createElement creates a SOAP element with the namespace nsPrefix, the namespace URL nsURI and the string value of the element.

    The implementation of createElement is shown as below:

    SOAPElement soapElement = SOAPFactory.newInstance().createElement(localName, nsPrefix, nsURI);
    return soapElement;s
  4. Save the changes to the SOAP message.

  5. Send the SOAP request to Hermes and get the following SOAP response.

    SOAPMessage response =, receiverWSURL);
    SOAPBody responseBody = response.getSOAPBody();
  6. Here is the SOAP response:

        <hasMessage> ... </hasMessage>

    The attachment is formatted as a MIME part.

    Process the SOAP response and extract the payload from the AS2 message if available.

    if (!responseBody.hasFault()){
        SOAPElement hasMessageElement = getFirstChild(responseBody, "hasMessage", nsURI);
        ArrayList payloadsList = new ArrayList();
        if (hasMessageElement != null){
            Iterator attachmentPartIter = response.getAttachments();
            while(attachmentPartIter.hasNext()) {
                AttachmentPart attachmentPart = (AttachmentPart);
                InputStream ins = attachmentPart.getDataHandler().getInputStream();
                // Do something I/O to extract the payload to physical file.
    } else {
        throw new SOAPException(responseBody.getFault().getFaultString());

    The method getFirstChild gets the first element with the name hasMessage and namespace URI nsURI. The boolean value of hasMessage represents the existence of a payload in this message.

    The payload is extracted from the attachment part and sent to the input stream. The data can be piped to a processor or saved into a file.

Get AS2 Message Status

Create a SOAP message with the identifier of the target message, and send it to Hermes as a web service request.

  1. Define a namespace URI and a prefix conforming to the WSDL.

    private String nsURI = "";
    private String nsPrefix = "tns";
    private URL statusQueryWSURL = "http://localhost:8080/corvus/httpd/as2/status";
  2. Create a SOAP message factory and a SOAP message object.

    SOAPMessage request = MessageFactory.newInstance().createMessage();
  3. Populate the SOAP body by filling in the required parameters.

    <messageId> messageId </messageId>

    Compose a sample SOAP request to get the status of an AS2 message:

    SOAPBody soapBody = request.getSOAPBody();
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("messageId", nsPrefix, nsURI, messageId));

    The method createElement creates a SOAP element with the namespace prefix :code`nsPrefix`, the namespace URL nsURI and the string value of the element.

    The implementation of createElement is shown below:

    SOAPElement soapElement = SOAPFactory.newInstance().createElement(localName, nsPrefix, nsURI);
    return soapElement;
  4. Save the changes to the SOAP message.

  5. Send the SOAP request to get the status of an AS2 message and get the following SOAP response.

    SOAPMessage response =, statusQueryWSURL);
    SOAPBody responseBody = response.getSOAPBody();
  6. Here is the SOAP response:

            <status> The current status of message </status>
            <statusDescription> The current status description of message </statusDescription>
            <mdnMessageId> The message id of acknowledgment / receipt if any </mdnMessageId>
            <mdnStatus> The status of acknowledgment / receipt if any </mdnStatus>
            <mdnStatusDescription> The status description of acknowledgment / receipt if any </mdnStatusDescription>

    Process the SOAP response and extract the status of the AS2 message if there is no SOAP fault.

    if (!responseBody.hasFault()){
        SOAPElement messageInfoElement = getFirstChild(responseBody, "MessageInfo", nsURI);
        System.out.println("Message Status : " + getFirstChild(messageInfoElement, "status", nsURI);
        System.out.println("Message Status Desc : " + getFirstChild(messageInfoElement, "statusDescription", nsURI);
        System.out.println("Ack Message Identifiers : " + getFirstChild(messageInfoElement, "mdnMessageId", nsURI);
        System.out.println("Ack Status : " + getFirstChild(messageInfoElement, "mdnStatus", nsURI);
        System.out.println("Ack Status Desc : " + getFirstChild(messageInfoElement, "mdnStatusDescription", nsURI);
    } else {
        throw new SOAPException(responseBody.getFault().getFaultString());

    The method getFirstChild gets the first element with the name MessageInfo and the namespace URI nsURI.

Get AS2 Message History

Create a SOAP message with the following 5 parameters, and send it to Hermes as the web service request.

  • messageId: Message ID
  • messageBox: Message box
  • as2From: AS2 sender
  • as2To: AS2 receiver
  • status: Status
  1. Define the namespace URI and a prefix conforming to the WSDL.

    private String nsURI = "";
    private String nsPrefix = "tns";
    private URL msgHistoryWSURL = "http://localhost:8080/corvus/httpd/as2/msg_history";
  2. Create a SOAP message factory and a SOAP message object.

    SOAPMessage request = MessageFactory.newInstance().createMessage();
  3. Populate the SOAP body by filling in the required parameters.

    <messageId> messageId </messageId>
    <messageBox> messageBox </messageBox>
    <as2From> as2From </as2From>
    <as2To> as2To </as2To>
    <status> status </status>

    Compose a sample SOAP request to get an AS2 message history:

    SOAPBody soapBody = request.getSOAPBody();
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("messageId", nsPrefix, nsURI, messageId));
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("messageBox", nsPrefix, nsURI, messageBox));
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("as2From", nsPrefix, nsURI, cpaId));
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("as2To", nsPrefix, nsURI, service));
    soapBody.addChildElement(createElement("status", nsPrefix, nsURI, status));

    The method createElement creates a SOAP element with the namespace prefix nsPrefix, the namespace URL nsURI, and the string value of the element.

    The implementation of createElement is shown below:

    SOAPElement soapElement = SOAPFactory.newInstance().createElement(localName, nsPrefix, nsURI);
    return soapElement;
  4. Save the changes to the SOAP message.

  5. Send the SOAP request to Hermes to get an AS2 message history and get a SOAP response.

    SOAPMessage response =, receiverListWSURL);
    SOAPBody responseBody = response.getSOAPBody();

    Here is the SOAP response.

                <messageId> Message ID of this message </messageId>
                <messageBox> Message Box containing this message </messageBox>
                <messageId> Message ID of this message </messageId>
                <messageBox> Message Box containing this message </messageBox>
            <messageElement> ... </messageElement>
            <messageElement> ... </messageElement>

    Process the SOAP response and iterate through the AS2 message history if there is no SOAP fault.

    if (!responseBody.hasFault()){
        SOAPElement msgList = SOAPUtilities.getElement(responseBody, "messageList", nsURI, 0);
        Iterator msgIterator = msgList.getChildElements();
            List elementList = new ArrayList();
            SOAPElement messageElement = (SOAPElement);
            Iterator elements = messageElement.getChildElements();
            // MessageId
            SOAPElement msgId = (SOAPElement)(;
            // MessageBox
            SOAPElement msgBox = (SOAPElement)(;
            System.out.println("Message ID: " + (String)msgId.get(0) + "\t" + "Message Box: " + msgBox.get(0));

    The method getElement gets the element with the name messageList and the namespace URI nsURI. The messageElement objects are extracted from the messageList object. Each messageElement object contains the values of messageId and messageBox.